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Call for applications for contribution in civil aviation No P/ŠP/2024/03

The Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic, Námestie slobody 6, P.O.BOX 100, 810 05  Bratislava 15 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Ministry’ or ‘the provider’), in accordance with § 24(1)(c) in conjunction with § 16(1) of the Act No 213/2019 Coll. on remuneration and the granting of a contribution in civil aviation and amending certain acts as amended by Act No 8/2024 Coll., in conjunction with the State aid scheme pursuant to Article 107(3)(c) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union in conjunction with the Communication from the Commission – Guidelines on State aid to airports and airlines, as amended to promote the operation of scheduled commercial air transport services between airports in the territory of the Slovak Republic operated by airport companies or between an airport in the territory of the Slovak Republic operated by an airport company and an airport in the territory of a State which is a Member State of the European Union other than the Slovak Republic or a Contracting Party to the Agreement on the Establishment of a European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) [SA.113202 (2024/N)] (hereinafter referred to as ‘the State Aid Scheme’), and taking into account the Communication from the Commission – Guidelines on State aid for airports and airlines as amended


announces Call for applications for contribution in civil aviation No P/ŠP/2024/03

(hereinafter referred to as ‘Call’).



  • in english language

Call for applications for contribution in civil aviation No P/ŠP/2024/03 (*.pdf, 1,42 MB)

  • in slovak language

výzva na predloženie žiadosti o poskytnutie príspevku v civilnom letectve č. P/ŠP/2024/03 (*.pdf, 935 kB)



Amendment No 1 to the Call

  • in english language

Amendment No 1 to the Call for applications for contribution in civil aviation No P/ŠP/2024/03 (*.pdf,  965 kB)

  • n slovak language

dodatok č. 1 k výzve na predloženie žiadosti o poskytnutie príspevku v civilnom letectve č. P/ŠP/2024/03 (*.pdf, 696 kB)



 Application for granting contribution in civil aviation

  • in english language
  • link to webpage

  • dirent link to file:

english version_template_application_support scheduled air services.pdf (pdf, 1.01 MB)


  • in slovak language
  • link to webpage

  • dirent link to file

vzor žiadosti o poskytnutie príspevku v civilnom letectve (*. docx, 41.42 kB)



State Aid Scheme 

  • in english language
  • dirent link to file:

english version_state aid scheme_support scheduled air services.pdf (pdf, 1.59 MB)

  • in slovak language
  • link to webpage

  • dirent link to file:

schéma pomoci - podpora pravidelných leteckých spojení - slovenské znenie (.pdf, 1,01 MB)




Disclaimer on the translation into English


These documents are an unofficial and courtesy translation into English (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Translation’) of the documents in Slovak (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Documents ’). These texts are meant purely as a documentation tool and have no legal effect. The Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic does not assume any liability for their contents. In the event of any ambiguity about the meaning of certain translated terms or of any discrepancy between the Slovak version of the Documents and the Translation, the Slovak version of the Documents shall prevail.




Update 9 September 2024